NRSWA Operator and Supervisor
Course overview
This NRSWA course is for operatives who work on highways and carry out excavation, backfill and reinstatement using tarmac and cold-lay bituminous materials.
Previous experience of working on street works or on roads would assist the candidates but it is not essential.
Location & avoidance of underground apparatus.
Signing, lighting & guarding.
Excavation in the highway.
Reinstatement and compaction of backfill materials.
Reinstatement of sub-base and road-base in non-bituminous materials.
Reinstatement in cold-lay bituminous materials.
Reinstatement of modular surfaces and concrete footways.
Location & avoidance of underground apparatus.
Monitoring signing, lighting & guarding.
Monitoring excavation in the highway.
Monitoring reinstatement and compaction of backfill materials.
Monitoring reinstatement of sub-base & road-base in non-bituminous materials.
Monitoring reinstatement in bituminous materials.
Monitoring reinstatement of modular surfaces and concrete footways.
Course Length
5 days.
Course Outcome
On completion of this course, candidates will receive a SWQR card, valid for 5 years.