CPCS Training And Testing

what is cpcs

CPCS stands for the Construction Plant Competence Scheme which is a card scheme to prove the skills of plant operators. It is based on a combination of professional competence and health and safety awareness – two essential qualities for operating plant.

what does it cover

The Construction Plant Competence Scheme (CPCS) provides skills cards for the plant sector of the construction industry. CPCS covers a large range of plant and plant-related categories, and more are continually added.

We also work in partnership with a number of centres in England, so we can often arrange discounted prices on courses for the majority of major categories.

CPCS training and testing

CPCS 360 Excavator Above 10 Tonne (A59)

CPCS 360 Excavator Below 10 Tonne (A58)

CPCS Forward Tipping Dumper Course (A09)

CPCS Ride On Roller Course (A31)

CPCS Slinger Signaller (A40)

CPCS Telescopic Handler (A17)


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